Distilled Water - Frequently Asked Questions

Here we answer some of the most frequently asked questions relating to distilled water. Please click any question below to reveal our answers which have been written from many years of research and understanding.

No other water purification process can remove pollutants and contaminants more effectively than water distillation. Tap water, bottled water, filtered water and even reverse osmosis water will all still have contaminants. Distilled water is totally free from contaminants leaving only pure h20.

As close to it as you can get! Distilled water is free from all contaminants leaving only pure h2o which would indeed be 100% pure, however, on the smallest of scales (when dealing with molecules), it would not be scientifically correct to state 100% purity.

Therefore, distilled water can be referred to as being 99.99% pure and will certainly be as close to purity as you can get when compared to any other machine of filtration method available.

  • Our Water distillers are much more effective at eliminating pollutants and contaminants than water filters.
  • Bacteria can form in water filters making them more contaminated than normal tap water if they get neglected and clogged.
  • Water Pure distillation systems do not require filter cartridges so there is no need to buy or replace dirty filters.
  • Water distillers will save you time and money and most importantly, filtered water IS NOT as pure as distilled water.

  • Similar to water filtration systems, reverse osmosis cannot eliminate the pollutants and contaminants that are removed through distillation.
  • Bacteria can form making them more contaminated than normal tap water if they get neglected and clogged.

95% of the minerals our bodies absorb are actually from the foods we eat and not the water we drink. Multi-mineral supplements that can be purchased in most supermarkets are a far better source if you do wish to consume minerals through drinking. Generally, we suggest squeezing lemon or lime juice into your distilled water if you want to make a mineral drink.

However, we believe their are greater benefits in drinking distilled water as it is due to its negative charge which allows it to detox the body of inorganic minerals which can cause health problems.

These claims are usually made by competing water filter companies trying to convince people to buy the products they sell. The information circulated on this subject is very misleading in that it does not break down the type of minerals the statement is referring to. There are two types of minerals, organic minerals (good for you) and inorganic minerals (bad for you).

Inorganic minerals in the body are what cause common health conditions such as arthritis, organic minerals are the reason your mum told you to eat your fruit and veg! While distilled water will pull minerals out of your body, the misleading part is that distilled water can and will ONLY remove the inorganic minerals, just look a vacuum hoovering up dirt.

This is because distilled water is negatively charged therefore can only bind to positively charged minerals (inorganic). The organic minerals are negatively charged therefore cannot be effected by distilled water. It is for this reason, drinking distilled water will help detox your body of the years of inorganic minerals that have been deposited in the body.

Distilled water in itself is tasteless, with it being totally pure. Some people can confuse this with a flat taste if they are used to drinking tap or bottled water. The feedback we have had is that this will go away after a couple of weeks once you had adapted to the change, like taking sugar out of your diet! Once you are at that point, it is tap water and bottled water which will start to taste odd!

We are quite sure that once you have started drinking distilled water, you will never want to drink tap water and will be able to smell the chlorine from it just like at your local swimming baths.

Yes and No. If you are buying distilled water from the shop, yes, it will be expensive and also difficult to obtain since the likes of Tesco and Asda will not sell it. However, with a home water distiller, you can make you own distilled water at the touch of a button in the comfort of your own home.

The cost in electricity usage is around 9p per litre. Based on this, it is much cheaper than even bottled water as well as being totally pure and superior.

Great question. The circulation of water in the natural world has rainwater at the top of the cycle. In other words, rain is natures way of giving all living things what they need to drink. This is because rainwater is pure, distilled water which has evaporated from the sun creating pure h2o (the rocket fuel for our body!).

The problem with drinking rain water is that on its way down to us from the sky, it will come into contact with many contaminants, some man made (pollution) and some natural from the earth. If you could capture rain water straight from the sky, you would have some super distilled water, direct from the tap of nature!

Unfortunately, that is not practical which is exactly why people use a water distiller machine to mimic natures own hydrological cycle to create their very own distilled water, free from all contaminants, perfect for your body.

Distilled water should be as close to tasteless as you can get. Because distilled water is essentially h2o, there is nothing extra in it to produce a taste or flavour. During the first few cycles of your machine, you may notice a slightly off taste, as your water distiller wears in and the carbon filter is primed.

Distilled water scientifically has a PH of 7 which is neither acidic or alkaline, since there is nothing to add or decrease the PH, if you can remember from your chemistry lessons in school.

However, once the distilled water reacts with the atmosphere, it will take in carbon dioxide which will produce H+ and carbonic acid which will thereby lower the PH to around 5.8. The confusing part to this is even though the PH will register at around 5.8 by using a PH meter for example, this does not mean it is the equivalent to a slightly acid fluid that is 5.8.

The best way to think of it is a sea saw in a park. If we place a feather on the left side of the sea saw, technically, that side is now heavier. However, in reality, we would not conclude that since a feather is virtually weightless. The same applies to distilled water. Because distilled water is so pure, there is nothing to counterbalance the effects of anything that is introduced to it (carbon dioxide from the atmosphere). Our conclusion on this is not to be worried about the PH readings because you are not drinking an acidic drink!

If however you wanted to finely tune the PH of your distilled water, simply add in a small amount of baking soda until the PH reaches your desired measurement e.g PH7. This is not something we practice here and we will always drink distilled water exactly as it is, as do most people.

If you want the full health benefits of distilled water, and to keep your body hydrated (since humans are made up of 70% water, yes, you read that right), our research suggests that as a guide, females should drink 2-3 litres per day and males 3-4 litres per day. In any case, drink 2+ litres each day to keep your body fuelled up! If you are just starting off with distilled water, build up your intake gradually and at your own pace over a 2 week period.

Also, don't wait to drink water until you feel thirsty. The feeling of thirst is your body's way of letting you know more is needed, like only charging your phone once it pops up with a low battery 10% alert.

There are many beneficial and popular uses for distilled water, here are just some:

  • Creating other drinks such as tea, coffee, fruit juice. The feedback we have for you coffee and tea lovers is it will be the best cuppa you have ever had!
  • Home made ice. If you have your own portable ice machine, simply fill it with distilled water to make the best crystal clear pure ice.
  • Cooking. If you need water for cooking, using distilled water will ensure you are not adding chemicals and contaminants into the food you eat from tap water.
  • Washing your skin. Tap water has now been linked to causing skin problems such as Acne and Rosacea. There’s also a correlation between tap water and skin disorders such as eczema.
  • Steam devices. Using distilled water in your iron will help stop residue building up within the iron and on the exterior. Humidifiers will also benefit from distilled water.
  • Batteries. Distilled water is used in batteries as it does not contain minerals which will damage the battery.
  • Sterilising machines. Dentists use distilled water to sterilise equipment using their autoclave machines

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