Distilled water is not only just for drinking

How to make cost effective cleaning products with water from our water purifier available in the UK

When it comes to cleaning your house it’s tempting to keep using common detergents that you can easily buy from your supermarket. Unfortunately these products often contain ingredients that can be hazardous to health and damage belongings. Ironically these products were made with cleanliness in mind yet are major contributors to pollution.

This just highlights a concern for the air in our own homes. Thankfully there isn’t any need to sacrifice your own health especially when it’s so easy to make your very own DIY cleaners with distilled water from our water purifier available in the UK.

DIY Leave in conditioner for hair

Not only does this smell amazing but it’s a great product for soothing and nourishing your hair too. All you need to do is mix a quarter cup with one cup of distilled water, then add the essential oil that suits your hair type. Lavender is great for dry hair, rosemary or rose works well for normal hair and lemon or tea tree is great for oily.

Scented Room Spray

Room sprays can refresh your home and add a pleasant scent at the same time. To make a room spray all you need to do is mix four ounces of distilled water with two ounces of witch hazel and one tablespoon of scented oil of your choice. The recipe can be adjusted to fill a container of your choice. Once you’ve stirred it well to mix all the oils and water, let it sit for a while before it’s used.

Body spray

As well as your home needing a fresh scent, your body does too and it’s just as easy to make your own body spray. To do this you need to mix two ounces of distilled water from our counter top water distiller, with three tablespoons of unscented alcohol. Once you’ve done this you can then add twenty to twenty five drops of essential oil. The alcohol helps the oil to mix with the water instead of settling on top of it. A particularly good mix would be nine drops of mandarin, nine drops of orange and five drops of lemon, this creates an amazing citrus body spray.

PC screen cleaning spray

These especially can be made affordably and easily in your home saving you a lot of money. Not only is the DIY spray just as effective but it can also be made in fairly large quantities so you’ll always be freshly stocked. To mix your own computer screen cleaning spray simply add eight ounces of 70% isopropryl alcohol with eight ounces of distilled water. The key ingredient is the distilled water because unlike regular tap water it won’t leave an unwanted residue on your screen.

If you’d like to take a look at a distiller for sale from us here at Water Pure then simply check out the rest of our website. Supplying the best quality water purifier in the UK for an amazing price too.